

作者:世界针联 来源:世界针联 点击:8553次 更新:2022-06-17
















1. 由大赛评审组专家进行论文初筛,筛选符合要求的论文进入初赛。

2. 本次大赛以培养中医药国际化人才为初衷,选手应具备相应的传播能力,初赛选手需围绕自己的论文主题制作中医药网络传播短视频作品发布至网络平台(可计算传播量的自媒体即可)。决赛名额50%由专家评选论文产生,另外50%由作品的网络平台总播放量排名产生,进入复赛选手,组委会将提供电子参赛证书并标注作品传播量。

3. 决赛采取线上线下结合的方式,选手进行论文汇报,评委依据现场汇报表现及论文打分。


1. 经过专家评审、网络评审。【主赛道】拟评选出一等奖论文2篇,每篇奖励人民币10000元;二等奖论文6篇,每篇奖励人民币6000元;三等奖论文10篇,每篇奖励人民币3000元;优秀论文奖与优秀组织奖若干。【专题赛道】拟评出风采展示奖、金点子创意奖共10篇,各奖励人民币3000元(证书注指导教师)。

2. 协办刊物将选取部分论文发表,组委会拟择机出版论文集。

3. 获奖者优先获得同仁堂国药实习、就业机会。

协办刊物:《中医杂志》《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》《中华中医药杂志》《中国中医药信息杂志》《国际中医中药杂志》《中国针灸》《针刺研究》《世界针灸杂志》《Chinese medicine and culture》《中医药文化》《中医健康养生》





"Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Cup" 4th World Essay Competition for College Students: Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including acupuncture-moxibustion has been spread to 196 countries and regions. Being one of the treasures of human civilization, TCM has been playing a significant role in human health both in history and at the present. For the purposes of reflecting the global picture of TCM, promoting mutual learning of cultures and people-to-people bond, contributing to a Global Community of Health for all, and offering a high-level exchange platform for international talents, “Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Cup" 4th World Essay Competition for College Students: Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be held. The competition is co-organized by the Secretariat of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and the Center for International Development of TCM of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Competition duration: From June to November, 2022

Participants: College students (junior college students, undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral candidates), with no restriction to nationality, university or major.

Topics and theme:

【Main group】 The essay submitted should feature internationalization of TCM, including but not limited to researches on the worldwide or local development of TCM, acupuncture-moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, traditional medicine, etc.; environmental value of TCM; cultural communication of TCM; modernization of TCM; cross-disciplinary studies related to TCM; overseas development of Chinese medicine enterprises; and international aid services by TCM. You may either approach the internationalization of TCM from a macroscopic perspective or zoom in on a specific angle.

【Featured groups】

Experience-sharing group: My story with TCM going global

Tell the story of your encounter with TCM, as well as your involvement, feelings, thoughts, and suggestions of its internationalization. Based on your personal experiences, your essay is also expected to project a larger picture of TCM going global.

Creative group: Innovative development and international communication of time-honored TCM brands

Propose your suggestions and strategies to rejuvenate time-honored TCM brands as well as their products in this digital and information age through modern ways of communication, consumption, technology advancement, etc. Your proposal may include product design, brand building, marketing plan, advertising and original design, traditional crafts, inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, etc.

Language: The essay shall be written in Chinese or English, with total words of 3,000 - 10,000. An abstract of 200 - 300 words in both Chinese and English is also required.

How to participate: 

Scan the QR code below and join the Wechat group. Make sure to finish the sign-up procedure by filling the registration form released in the group chat and submitting your essay via email before the deadline.

Participants who have no access to WeChat need to send an email to requesting registration link.

Please send your essay in WORD format to no later than August 31st, 2022. Please use "Essay TCM internationalization + [Group]" as the subject, and present your name and university in the email. The information should be consistent with that you submit in the registration form.

Competition Rules:

1. Experts of the review group will conduct the preliminary screening of papers, and select the papers that meet the requirements to enter the preliminary competition.

2. The competition aims to cultivate international talents of TCM, and the contestants should have the ability of bringing TCM culture to the masses. On this account, preliminary contestants are required to create short TCM-themed videos based on their papers and post them on network platforms where number of views is shown and can be calculated. 50% of the finalists are selected by experts, and the other 50% are generated according to the ranking of promotion effect of the videos. Contestants who enter this round will be awarded an e-version certificate with the view count of their work indicated on it.

3. The final will be held in hybrid form both online and on-site. The contestants make presentation of their papers, and the experts grade their papers according to the performance of presentation and the quality of essays.


1. Winners will be decided through expert review and online voting. 【Main group】 Two 1st Prize winners, with a reward of RMB 10,000 each; Six 2nd Prize winners, with a reward of RMB 6,000 each; Ten 3rd Prize winners, with a reward of RMB 3,000 each; Excellence Award winners and Excellent Organizers will also be selected.

【Featured groups】 Ten Impressive Presentation Award and Original Creation Award winners altogether, with a reward of RMB 3,000 each.(Tag guide)

2. Winning essays may be published by the supporting publications and may be included into the Book of Essays published by the organizers.

3. Winners will be given priority when seeking internship or employment in Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited.

Supporting Publications: 

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chinese and English versions);

China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy;

Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine;

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine;

Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion;

Acupuncture Research;

World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion;

Chinese Medicine and Culture (Chinese and English versions);

TCM Healthy Life-Nurturing

Supporting Organizations: 

Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited

TCM Practitioners Qualification Certification Center of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China


One piece of work shall only be submitted to one group. This competition only accepts essays not published before. Any essay found to have already been published will be disqualified for this competition. Besides, short videos should follow the regulations of specific media platforms. If the video is banned due to any violation, its view number will be counted as null.

Organizing Committee of World Essay Competition for College Students: Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

June 14th, 2022



