

作者:超级管理员 来源:本站原创 点击:2236次 更新:2016-11-03

  近闻在美国有些州之非针灸医事团体以干针新创名词,以针灸之针具,针灸医术中阿是穴之疗法行医疗的手段,用各种牵强的理由硬要与针灸切割,以期达到逃避政府针灸法之管理更能让其以极少之週末教育学时而不须要经过4-9年之针灸医学教育, 当然更不须要有美国的针灸执照考试,如此缺乏针灸知识训练而行医是非常可怕及不负责任的医疗行为。
  目前美国几乎大多数州都有非常完整的针灸医学教育,严格的执照考试组织,完善的政府管理机构,这是美国人的骄傲也是世界各国正在学习的目标。希望有关单位严格把关, 勿让少数职业团体误导,造成社会民众之生命安全受到威胁。
  世界针灸联合会恳请贵组织与我们共同来努力为我们广大的社会人民做好健康安全的守护神,关于针灸医学阿是穴位疗法( 新创名词叫干针) 我们总部有很多资料可以提供,贵组织如有任何须要我们非常乐意协助。我们总部的电话是+86(10)64011210,网站是,谢谢您的关注。

刘保延   教授

To whom this may concern:
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has accumulated 5000 years of wisdom and history; it is an essential medical technique that offers healing to billions of people.  We are grateful that acupuncture has gradually become well accepted and recognized by the Western world, its ability to diagnose varieties of medical conditions and offer treatments to improve health of the general public has made acupuncture a crucial and valuable medical asset.
World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) is an association that gathers experts from the academia, education and medical societies in the world; it is an international, non-governmental acupuncture organization (NGO) in official relations with the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO). Our goal is to establish the international recognition and standard of acupuncture in the medical community, offer protection for human health and save lives, as well as collect forces around the world to strengthen acupuncture research, maintain the quality and reputation of acupuncture education and medical principles.
Recently we hear about the introduction of using acupuncture needle to stimulate “Ashi” points, acupuncture point locations, namely the new creation of “dry needling” technique from certain non-acupuncture medical groups in the US, the creation of this so-called medical terminology is far-fetched from the traditional acupuncture principles.  They evade the governmental guidelines of acupuncture education and licensure requirement.  They allow the use of such technique only by attending minimal weekend courses, hurdling over the indispensable 4-9 years of acupuncture medical training, ignoring the obligation to US national acupuncture licensure examinations. “Dry needling” is completely lack of acupuncture knowledge and skill set, the use of this under-studied non-regulated treatment is a terrifying, irresponsible, and unethical medical practices.
A comprehensive system has been developed in most states in the US to manage acupuncture education and training; there are fully established government institutions that monitor the strict licensure examinations. The controlled regulation of acupuncture gives pride to the Americans; it is also a great learning objective for other countries.  We sincerely invite all relevant units to  pay attention to this crucial matter, do not allow a small number of professional groups to destroy the reputation of acupuncture, mislead and threaten the wellbeing of the general public.
World Federation of Acupuncture- Moxibustion Societies genuinely invite the support of your organization, we will collaborate efforts to strive for the health and safety of the general public. Our headquarter provides much information regarding the use of “Ashi” points (so called “dry needling”) for your reference.  We will be happy to give assistance for your needs.  Don’t hesitate to contact us, our telephone number is 861064011210, headquarters site is
Thank you for your attention.  God bless you!

Prof. LIU Baoyan
President of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion (WFAS)