

作者:孙梦晓 来源:本站原创 点击:3578次 更新:2018-12-19









       禅定:“禅”是梵语的音译,意译是“静虑”,禅是一种定心之法。  禅修:是修行者调节情绪、缓解压力、静心养生的方法,具有净化心灵、强身健体、祛病延年的作用。  观想:是一种视觉静心方法,不良情绪容易使人罹患肿瘤等各种疾病,通过观想可以将消极悲观的情绪转化为积极乐观的情绪;通过坐禅与观想有利于身心健康。  十六观:也是一种调节情绪的观想方法。    Zen: “Zen” is the transliteration of Sanskrit, the paraphrase of the word is "meditation”. Zen is a way to calm down.Zen practice: A method for practitioners to regulate emotions, relieve pressure, calm mind, and has the effect of purifying the mind and strengthening the body.Visualization: Visualization is a way of visual meditation. Bad mood can make people more vulnerable to cancer and other diseases. Through visualization, negative and pessimistic mood can be transformed into positive and optimistic mood. Meditation and Visualization are beneficial to physical and mental health.The Sixteen Views (十六观): It is also a way of visualization to regulate emotions.敦煌壁画中的养生    敦煌壁画中有许多洞窟与禅修有关,例如北凉第268窟、西魏第285窟、北魏第269窟、盛唐第45窟均有禅窟、禅僧、禅定佛、十六观等。其中北魏(距今2400年前)第259窟内的禅定佛,身穿通肩深红色袈裟,结跏趺坐,微微含笑,深沉恬静,内心活动表现细腻。    Many caves in the Dunhuang frescoes are related to meditation, such as the Northern Liang 268th grottoes, the Western Wei 285th grottoes, the Northern Wei 269th grottoes and the Tang(Glorious Age) 45th grottoes. In all of those grottoes, we can find Zen caves, Zen monks, meditation Buddha, the Sixteen Views, etc. The meditation Buddha of the Northern Wei (2400 years ago) 259th cave, wears a deep red cassock, sits cross-legged, smiles slightly, calm and quiet.   《敦煌脐密功》源自敦煌石窟壁画,是由原甘肃中医学院气功教研室张弘强、杜文杰教授二人受敦煌莫高窟272石窟“大肚脐”菩萨像(有人称之为 “练功菩萨”)启发,结合敦煌壁画中的相关医学内容《呼吸静功妙诀》中“瞑目视脐”所整理创编的养生保健功法。   “Dunhuang Umbilicus Secret Method (Dunhuang Qimi Gong)” originated from the frescoes of Dunhuang Caves. Inspired by the “Big Belly Button" bodhisattva from the Grottoes 272 of Dunhuang Mogao Caves (some people call the bodhisattva “Practicing Bodhisattva”), Prof. ZHANG Hongqiang and Professor DU Wenjie from the Qigong teaching and research office of Gansu college of Chinese medicine summarized and created the method. They also combined the method of “closing the eyes and paying attention to the belly button” from “Wonderful Method of Breathing Peacefully (Huxi Jinggong Miaojue)”, the related resource of Dunhuang Medicine.    《敦煌脐密功》简便易学,易于掌握,该功法以肚脐为守窍部位,通过反复练习,调畅腹部气机,达到防治疾病的目的。早在1988年12月出版的张弘强、杜文杰教授所著《一分钟脐密功》中已得到了临床验证。    This method is simple to learn and easy to command. It takes the belly button as the key part, adjusts the organism of the abdomen through repetitive practice to prevent diseases. Prof. Zhang and Prof. Du have clinically verified the effects in “One Minute's Power of Umbilicus” (“Yifenzhong Qimi Gong”, published in December 1988).二、脐密功介绍:


Umbilicus health-care practice

       1.姿势:坐位、立位、卧位坐位:选择与大腿面基本保持水平状态的椅子,坐在前三分之一处,两脚分开,平行着地,两脚外侧与肩同宽;小腿垂直于地面,两手俯掌置于大腿面上。脊柱端正,勿用力撑,双肩自然,头部端正,下颌微收,全身放松。1. Posture: sitting, standing, lying positionSitting position: Choose a chair that is level with the upper thigh. Sit in front of the chair at the forward third of the way, feet apart, flat on the ground, with the outside of the feet shoulder-width apart; Let calves be vertical to the ground, and put palms on the thighs; Spine correct, do not force support, completely  relax  shoulders; head correct, draw the chin slightly down, whole body relaxed.卧位:以仰卧位为主,低枕仰卧,两脚自然分开,双手虎口相交置于小腹部(掌心对应肚脐),下颌微收,全身放松。Lying  position: mainly at supine position, lie on low pillow, with two feet naturally separated, placing hands on the small abdomen (the palm corresponds to the belly button), slightly closed lower jaw, and whole body relaxed.   立位:两脚平行开列站立,脚距与肩等宽,自然沉肩, 两手虎口相交置于小腹部(掌心对应肚脐),下颌微收,全身放松。 Standing position: Stand with your feet in parallel, the distance between the feet is equal to the shoulder width, naturally sink shoulders; Place your hands on the belly (the center of the palm corresponds to the belly button), draw the chin slightly down, whole body relaxed.3.口诀3. Formula     A-u-m!Na mo qi !He shen qi,fu wu ji!     唵! 南无脐!   和神气,  复无极!      入静   意守      放松      忘我每天可练习1次或数次,坚持不懈。Practice once or more times a day and stick to it.三,神秘的肚脐    肚脐位于腹部,是人体重要的解剖学标志;属于任脉,穴名“神阙”,为养生要穴。先天为胎儿输送营养的通道,维持胎儿生命活动;后天可用于保健养生。 《素问·气穴论》称之为 “脐”,首见于 《外台秘要》,又名气舍、命蒂。Located in abdomen, navel is an important anatomical sign of human body; It is named “Shenque” and belongs to Renmai (channel system of human body), and it is an important acupoint for health maintenance. Navel is the channel that delivers nutrition to the fetus and maintains fetal life activity; It can be used for health care afterwards.    现代研究:   神经-体液基础 脐部布有丰富的血管神经,对腹腔和盆腔内组织器官起营养、支配、调节作用。干细胞基础 神阙穴脂肪团中含有未分化的多能干细胞。当穴位受到药物和物理刺激时这些干细胞及其内环境会发生相应的变化。免疫功能 神阙穴能调节免疫系统,对于免疫器官、体液免疫、细胞免疫均有积极的影响。四,临床实践:

      1988年张掖市人民医院实习获得第一手临床资料:  ①带领患者练习《敦煌脐密功》 ②患者收获(练功日记:记录练功反应、了解身体状况) ③治疗相关疾病(胃癌术后、糖尿病、肝硬化、高血压等)1988: Internship in Zhangye People’s hospital and obtained first-hand clinical resources: ① Lead patients to practice “Dunhuang Umbilicus Secret Method” ② Patients’ harvest (Practice diary: note the effects and know the body circumstance) ③ Treatment of related diseases (after gastric cancer surgery, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, etc.)案例介绍, 胃癌术后患者    乔玉兰,女,49岁,6年前行胃癌手术,术后身体虚弱,多次住院治疗,影响正常工作和生活。参加了脐密功学习实践3年,未再住院,甚至也未吃药,恢复了正常生活。6年过去了,健康状况良好。Patient after gastric cancer surgeryYulan Qiao, female, 49 years old, had surgery for gastric cancer six years earlier .She has been very weak since she left the hospital. She often required hospital treatment and could not work normally. She participated in a one-minute class of Umbilicus Secret Method. She was not hospitalized again, not even taking medicine, and returned to her normal life. Six years on, she has been keeping in good health. 高血压患者    胡一清,男,59岁,高血压病史20年,血压最高190/110mmHg,药物控制在170-150/110-90mmHg之间。半年前被诊断为冠心病、心绞痛。1987年参加脐密功学习班,练功后出现了意想不到的效果,每天集体练1.5小时,50天后,在不服药的情况下,血压下降到130/80mmHg。Hypertensive PatientsYiqing Hu, male, 59 years old, history of hypertension over 20 years. Blood pressure fluctuates max. 190/110mmHg. His blood pressure is often controlled by medication between 170-150/110-90mmHg. He was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and angina six months ago.In 1987, he participated in the one-minute umbilicus training class, which achieved unexpected results. 50 days later (group practice for 1.5 hours every day), his blood pressure dropped to 130/80mmHg without taking medicine. 糖尿病患者    王学勤,男,55岁,糖尿病3月,经甘肃省人民医院检查,空腹尿糖+++,主要表现为三多:多饮,多食,多尿,两月内体重下降6kg。服降糖药物后,未见明显改善。前来参加脐密功学习班。坚持练功2个月后,临床症状明显改善,患者心情愉悦。Diabetic patientsXueqin Wang, male, 55 years old, has been diabetic for 3 months. Diagnosed in the people's hospital of gansu province, he was found sugar +++ (empty stomach). The main clinical manifestations are: more drink, more urine, more food. He lost 6kg in two months. No significant improvement was observed after taking hypoglycemic drugs.He participated in the study of one-minute midrange class. After practicing for 2 months, the clinical symptoms improved significantly and the patient became happy.肝硬化患者   刘亚,女,54岁,慢性肝炎26年,肝区时有胀痛感。患风湿性心肌炎24年。2年前在甘肃省人民医院住院治疗,被诊断为肝硬化,无明显疗效。练习《敦煌脐密功》40天后,病情好转:睡眠改善、精神转佳、食凉物无腹泻。Patients with cirrhosis:Ya Liu, female, 54 years old, chronic hepatitis for 26 years, liver area sometimes has a feeling of swelling pain. She suffered from rheumatic myocarditis for 24 years. She was hospitalized in Gansu provincial people's hospital two years ago and was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis with no apparent effect. After 40 days' practice of Dunhuang Umbilicus Secret Method, the disease got better: improved sleep, improved spirit, no diarrhea after eating cold food.五,相关科研:


This year, the research group applied the special topic of research on irritable bowel syndrome – “Clinical research on Dunhuang Umbilicus Secret Method of prevention and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome”. 

The aim is to explore the effect of Dunhuang Umbilicus Secret Method on clinical symptoms and immune function of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and to provide new ideas and approaches for the prevention and treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases in Dunhuang. Relevant research will be carried out in other disease fields in the future.



   “Dunhuang Qimi Gong” is an essential part of Dunhuang medical inheritance and development.


The patient exercises actively to stimulate the body's autoimmune mechanism to prevent or cure the diseases.


The method mobilizes the human body's self-healing ability, corrects the sick constitution, keeps body in good health and prevents serious diseases. The belly button plays thereby a unique role in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

脐疗应用:    肚脐皮薄凹陷,无皮下脂肪组织,皮肤直接与筋膜、腹膜相连,很容易受寒邪侵袭,但同时也便于温养,故神阙穴历来是养生要穴。    The thin sag of belly button has no subcutaneous adipose tissue, and the skin is directly connected with fascia and peritoneum. It is easy to be affected by cold and pathogenic factors, but also easy to be warmed and nourished. Therefore, Shenque point has always been an important acupoint for health maintenance.    温养肚脐,可鼓舞一身之阳气。神阙穴邻近胃、肝胆、胰、肠等器官,通过对神阙的温养,还可以治疗腹痛、腹泻、急慢性胃痛、胃下垂、顽固性呃逆、功能性消化不良、结肠炎、脱肛等病症。    Warming belly button can make the body positive enough. Shenque is adjacent to stomach, hepatobiliary, pancreas, intestines and other organs. Warming the Shenque acupoint can also treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, acute and chronic stomachache, gastro ptosis, obstinate hiccup, functional dyspepsia, colitis, prolapse and other diseases. 1、按揉肚脐    按摩脐部可促进胃肠蠕动,有助于消化吸收.大便溏泻者可调,秘结者可通。方法:仰卧,右掌心按于脐部,左掌放于右手背上.顺时针轻轻按摩36圈,逆时针轻轻按摩36圈。1. Massage the belly button    Massaging belly button can promote gastrointestinal motility and help digestion and absorption.    Method: Lie on your back with your right palm on the umbilical region and your left palm on the back of your right hand. Gently massage 36 circles clockwise. Massage 36 times counterclockwise.  有研究表明,经常坚持揉按肚脐,可以健脑、补肾、帮助消化安神降气、利大小便,加强肝脏肾脏的新陈代谢.使人体气血旺盛对五脏六腑的功能有促进和调整作用.而且可以提高人体对疾病的抵抗能力   Studies have shown that frequently kneading the navel can strengthen the brain, invigorate the kidney, help digestion, calm the spirit, relieve the breath, strengthen the metabolism of the liver and kidney, and promote and adjust the function of the viscera. It also increases the body's resistance to disease.

       2、艾灸肚脐   在神阙穴进行隔盐、隔姜保健灸法, 每次灸3一5壮, 以感到局部温热舒适、稍有红晕为度。具有温阳固脱,苏厥救逆,补中理气之功效。2. Moxibustion belly button   In shenque acupoint to salt-separated, ginger-separated moxibustion.   Treat 3 to 5 times each time, feeling local warmth and comfort and observing slight flush is optimal. It has the functions of keeping energy, preventing faints and adjusting the body organism.3、肚脐拔罐用闪火法,将火罐拔于肚脐,留罐10-20分钟,每天或隔天一次,具有调节身体阴阳平衡,逐瘀祛湿,增强机体免疫功能的作用。在治疗哮喘、痢疾、久泻、荨麻疹、过敏性鼻炎等方面效果显著。3. Navel cuppingWith flash fire, the cupping can is kept on the navel for 10-20 minutes, once a day or every other day. It can regulate the balance of Yin and Yang of the body, clearing damp, and enhance the body's immune function. It is effective in treating asthma, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, urticaria and allergic rhinitis.4,肚脐贴敷,

      4.1 肚脐敷药治疗鼻炎,处方:党参10g,白术7g,干姜5g,炙甘草3g,扑尔敏2粒。粉碎成细粉,填神阙穴 4. Belly application4.1 The belly button is applied with medicine to treat rhinitis. Prescription: radix codonopsis 10g, rhizoma atractylosum 7g, dried ginger 5g, radix glycyrrhizae 3g, chloromine 2 tablets. Crush into a fine powder, fill the Shenque acupoint.4.2 自汗、盗汗、遗尿-----用五倍子打成粉贴在肚脐上。可用五倍子15克(或五倍子30克、朱砂3克),焙干研细,睡前敷于肚脐或涌穴上治疗盗汗。 4.2 Self sweat, night sweat, enuresis -- with the gallnut into powder paste on the belly button. May use the Chinese gallnut 15 grams (or Chinese gall, 30 grams, cinnabar 3 grams), roasts, grinds, before going to bed spreads on the navel or the hole treatment night sweat. 4.3 失眠-----取五味子、远志、石菖蒲各10克,枣仁20克,红花3克;或三七、丹参各10克,石菖蒲、远志、硫磺各20克,红花6克,共同研成细末,均用40度白酒调成稠膏状,涂满肚脐,外用胶布固定,每晚换药1次。也可用归脾丸。4.3 Insomnia ---- schisandra chinensis, yuanzhi, acorus solis 10g each, zao kernel 20g, safflower 3g; Or sanqi 10g, salvia miltiorrhiza 10g, acorus gramineus, yuanzhi, sulfur each 20g, safflower 6g, together grind into fine powder. All made with 40 degrees of liquor into a thick paste, filled navel, fixed with adhesive cloth, and changed medicine once a night.4.4 贴肚脐治便秘大黄,玄明粉,生地,当归,枳实各30克,陈皮,木香,槟榔,桃仁,红花各15克将上药研成细粉,每用20克用蜂蜜调成膏贴肚脐,2天一换。本方有很好的泻下通便的作用,如果是气虚便秘可加党参20克。 4.4 Apply navel to treat constipationRhubarb, xuanming powder, rehmannia glutinosa, angelica sinensis, Chinese angelica, fruit-fruiting 30g each, tangerine peel, wood incense, areca nut, peach kernel and safflower each 15g each will be refined into powder. Use 20 grams of honey at a time to paste the belly button and change every 2 days. This recipe has very good aperient effect. For constipation, add 20g of codonopsis pilosula.4.5 治痛经:取肉桂、炮姜、茴香各15克,研末,用米醋或黄酒调成糊状,敷于脐部,覆盖清洁消毒纱布l块,连用5~7天。 4.6 治月经不调:取当归30克、红花15克、月季花15克,用茶叶水调,敷脐部。每次在月经之前1天敷脐,连敷5~7天,至月经干净为止。4.5 Treatment of dysmenorrhea:Take 15g each of cinnamon, gun ginger and fennel, grind them into powder, mix them into paste with rice vinegar or rice wine, apply them to navel, cover them with a clean sterilized gauze, and use them for 5 to 7 days.  4.6 Treatment of menstrual disorders:Angelica 30g, safflower 15g, Chinese rose 15g, with tea water, in the navel. Apply the umbilicus one day before each period, 5 to 7 days in a row until the period stops.